"Beyond the Legend: Neagoe Basarab"
Curators: Emanuela Cernea, Iuliana Dumitrașcu
Coordinator: Călin Stegerean
"Beyond the Legend: Neagoe Basarab"
The exhibition dedicated to the art of Neagoe Basarab's era (1512-1521), marking 500 years since his death, offering an unusual interpretation of his cultural legacy. The exhibition highlights the complex personality of the voivode, who authored the first literary work conceived in the Romanian space: "Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to His Son Theodosius," founder of the Monastery at Curtea de Argeș, and supporter of an artistic patronage campaign, traces of which can still be seen worldwide.
The exhibition display revolves around icons commissioned by Neagoe Basarab five centuries ago and restored for this exhibition. These icons will complement the unique ensemble of frescoes from the church at Curtea de Argeș in the MNAR collection, illustrating the high standards of the painting school in Wallachia at the beginning of the 16th century.
The exhibition design suggests the space created by Neagoe Basarab's craftsmen and replicated in the great princely foundations throughout the Romanian territory.
Periodically, the exhibition will feature a poetry recital of the legend of Meșterul Manole performed by the renowned artist Viorica Vatamanu, directed by Gavriil Pinte.
Beyond the Legend: Neagoe Basarab, Gallery of Romanian Ancient Art December 1, 2021 - December 31, 2022
Curators: Emanuela Cernea, Iuliana Dumitrașcu
Coordinator: Călin Stegerean
Admission is free based on the entrance ticket for the National Gallery at the central headquarters.